You did it!
Three out of 6 students came with me to present a Scripture Mastery marked Holy Bible & The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ to the principal at their high school.
"This is really sweet, I really appreciate this," he repeated several times.
I didn't make them sing, they didn't have to testify, but they have signed their names inside those books. They have stood up to be counted. They are not ashamed of Christ.
Maybe a little nervous. It is scary to be bold, take advantage of missionary opportunities.
Over the next two days I will meet with the students of two more high schools and do the same thing. Thanks, Sister Gordon for a great idea and our local ward missionaries for providing the books! Best gift, ever.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tabernacle Tour
The Mennonite Information Center
2209 Millstream Road • Lancaster, PA 17602-1494
Phone: (717) 299-0954 • Toll Free: (800) 858-8320 • Fax: (717) 290-1585
Best. OBJECT. Lesson. Ever!
This is a HIGH recommendation this year, as we study the Old Testament (the sweet tour guide kept calling it the "First Testament." She bore testimony of how everything pointed towards Christ, His coming, and His return.)
Built to scale tabernacle. Amazing. Reverent. Informative. No pictures allowed. Worth the trip. Incense, veil, arc of covenant and all.
We went together as all 3 seminaries in our ward, and met on happy accident another seminary class from the Columbia stake (we recognized the teacher, but the BYU-Idaho sweatshirt would have tipped us off!).
I felt bad for the students who missed this trip. Go with your families!
Fred said, "It was a beautiful trip, spectacular." This is a student of few words. When he first saw the picture depicting the tabernacle and the cloud by day/fire by night image, he came and found me, "WHAT is that?" Aferwards he said it all made a lot of sense.
So this was like seeing the movie before reading the book...we start Exodus on Monday.
The Mennonite 17 minute film in the basement is also recommended. Good explanation of their beliefs.
Sister Harvey said it didn't feel like a money-making scheme, it felt good spending the entrance fee to further their mission. They believe in it, and this trip made it so I didn't have to make a replica in the Church make it real for the students!
I was amazed at how reverent, quiet, good the students were.
2209 Millstream Road • Lancaster, PA 17602-1494
Phone: (717) 299-0954 • Toll Free: (800) 858-8320 • Fax: (717) 290-1585
Best. OBJECT. Lesson. Ever!
This is a HIGH recommendation this year, as we study the Old Testament (the sweet tour guide kept calling it the "First Testament." She bore testimony of how everything pointed towards Christ, His coming, and His return.)
Built to scale tabernacle. Amazing. Reverent. Informative. No pictures allowed. Worth the trip. Incense, veil, arc of covenant and all.
We went together as all 3 seminaries in our ward, and met on happy accident another seminary class from the Columbia stake (we recognized the teacher, but the BYU-Idaho sweatshirt would have tipped us off!).
I felt bad for the students who missed this trip. Go with your families!
Fred said, "It was a beautiful trip, spectacular." This is a student of few words. When he first saw the picture depicting the tabernacle and the cloud by day/fire by night image, he came and found me, "WHAT is that?" Aferwards he said it all made a lot of sense.
So this was like seeing the movie before reading the book...we start Exodus on Monday.
The Mennonite 17 minute film in the basement is also recommended. Good explanation of their beliefs.
Sister Harvey said it didn't feel like a money-making scheme, it felt good spending the entrance fee to further their mission. They believe in it, and this trip made it so I didn't have to make a replica in the Church make it real for the students!
I was amazed at how reverent, quiet, good the students were.
object lesson,
Old Testament,
Monday, September 12, 2011
Hot Chocolate Miracles
He arrived 20 minutes early to daily EARLY morning class. He was first to get his mug, pour in the hot water, rip open the envelope and stir in the chocolate yumminess. Marshmallows? Optional.
Sister Gordon has used this technique to encourage on time promptness. With a smaller class this year, I thought it was worth a try to discourage tardies.
Our rule: no food in basement, and no hot chocolate AFTER seminary. Only before.
I have enjoyed hearing the friendly chatter, the candid discussions before class begins. More than 1/2 the class has come early every day for hot chocolate. That is worth it!
What would you do for a mug of sweetness to start your day? Come early?!
Sister Gordon has used this technique to encourage on time promptness. With a smaller class this year, I thought it was worth a try to discourage tardies.
Our rule: no food in basement, and no hot chocolate AFTER seminary. Only before.
I have enjoyed hearing the friendly chatter, the candid discussions before class begins. More than 1/2 the class has come early every day for hot chocolate. That is worth it!
What would you do for a mug of sweetness to start your day? Come early?!
Friday, May 13, 2011
6 More Days...
Sobering class this morning: Doctrine & Covenants 135. Good subject for family dinner. How do you feel about Joseph Smith, the prophet? What would you say to him, if you could talk face to face? How has his life changed yours?
The last day of class will be May 27th.
Prophet face-recognition test, scripture mastery test, reading report, a couple more films...
I really want to start you thinking about Old Testament Scripture Mastery, too! Small preview to get you excited about next year!
I hope you have a wonderful MEMORIAL DAY, remembering, honoring those who have sacrificed for you to have the freedoms you may be taking for granted.
Remember, remember.
The last day of class will be May 27th.
Prophet face-recognition test, scripture mastery test, reading report, a couple more films...
I really want to start you thinking about Old Testament Scripture Mastery, too! Small preview to get you excited about next year!
I hope you have a wonderful MEMORIAL DAY, remembering, honoring those who have sacrificed for you to have the freedoms you may be taking for granted.
Remember, remember.
Friday, April 8, 2011
A guide for our walk and talk for the next 6 months
(Compiled by Sister Ann Madsen and her seminary students, source Ken Alford )
1. Honor the Sabbath all day long. Wear nice clothes all day on Sunday.
2. Make worship a part of the pattern of your Sabbath day.
3. Become more childlike; it is part of the process of becoming more Christ-like.
4. Strengthen your commitment to act.
5. Help in the Lord's way. Teach children to help.
6. Use the full name of the Church. Do not call yourselves "Mormons"
7. Do a lot of forgetting and a little repenting.
8. Don't let fears replace faith.
9. Let your children feel your faith.
10. Establish a Christ-centered life and home.
11. Establish Celestial traditions.
12. Don't have higher standards for others than you have for yourself.
13. Search your heart to know your desires; a vision of what you can become forms your desires.
14. Simplify your life with small flecks of Gospel gold.
15. Respond to seen needs.
16. Be sensitive to promptings of the Holy Ghost.
17. Donate to the Missionary fund.
18. Trifle not with sacred things.
19. Remember the blessings of the Sacrament.
20. Tell your spouse you love her/him.
21. Don't waste time with idle pursuits; focus on getting married.
22. Stop hanging out in groups, and find an eternal companion. - President Monson
23. Find a worthy young lady to take to the Temple. - President Monson
24. Master the doctrines of the priesthood.
25. Do not ever let yourself do something of which you would not be proud. - President Monson
26. Be examples of honesty and integrity wherever you go, and in whatever you do. - President Monson
27. Communicate with parents, children, and the elderly about Christ.
28. Ask for the ability to forgive in prayer, frankly forgive others, and quickly forgive yourself.
29. Always keep the Temple in your sights; do nothing that will keep you from entering that holy place.
30. Don't resent the things that help you put on the divine nature.
31. Be of good cheer; your future is as bright as your faith.
32. Turn off the excess noise in your life.
33. Make whatever sacrifices are necessary to qualify, and then attend the temple. - President Monson
34. Express gratitude and love often.
35. Do service and show love--one by one.
36. Pay tithes and offerings.
37. Search for a spouse and start a family.
38. Become self-reliant; live providently.
39. Tell your spouse you love him or her frequently.
40. Recognize revelation and act on it.
41. Lighten your trials though service, revelation, and prayer.
42. Teach your children to be, not just to do.
43. Learn and live Christ-like attributes.
44. Don't postpone marriage.
45. Welcome chastisement and correction.
46. Learn Priesthood responsibilities by reading Doctrine and Covenants 20, 84 and 121.
47. Don't wait on the road to Damascus. Act.
48. Study the words of this conference; pray about appropriately applying them to your life.
(Compiled by Sister Ann Madsen and her seminary students, source Ken Alford )
1. Honor the Sabbath all day long. Wear nice clothes all day on Sunday.
2. Make worship a part of the pattern of your Sabbath day.
3. Become more childlike; it is part of the process of becoming more Christ-like.
4. Strengthen your commitment to act.
5. Help in the Lord's way. Teach children to help.
6. Use the full name of the Church. Do not call yourselves "Mormons"
7. Do a lot of forgetting and a little repenting.
8. Don't let fears replace faith.
9. Let your children feel your faith.
10. Establish a Christ-centered life and home.
11. Establish Celestial traditions.
12. Don't have higher standards for others than you have for yourself.
13. Search your heart to know your desires; a vision of what you can become forms your desires.
14. Simplify your life with small flecks of Gospel gold.
15. Respond to seen needs.
16. Be sensitive to promptings of the Holy Ghost.
17. Donate to the Missionary fund.
18. Trifle not with sacred things.
19. Remember the blessings of the Sacrament.
20. Tell your spouse you love her/him.
21. Don't waste time with idle pursuits; focus on getting married.
22. Stop hanging out in groups, and find an eternal companion. - President Monson
23. Find a worthy young lady to take to the Temple. - President Monson
24. Master the doctrines of the priesthood.
25. Do not ever let yourself do something of which you would not be proud. - President Monson
26. Be examples of honesty and integrity wherever you go, and in whatever you do. - President Monson
27. Communicate with parents, children, and the elderly about Christ.
28. Ask for the ability to forgive in prayer, frankly forgive others, and quickly forgive yourself.
29. Always keep the Temple in your sights; do nothing that will keep you from entering that holy place.
30. Don't resent the things that help you put on the divine nature.
31. Be of good cheer; your future is as bright as your faith.
32. Turn off the excess noise in your life.
33. Make whatever sacrifices are necessary to qualify, and then attend the temple. - President Monson
34. Express gratitude and love often.
35. Do service and show love--one by one.
36. Pay tithes and offerings.
37. Search for a spouse and start a family.
38. Become self-reliant; live providently.
39. Tell your spouse you love him or her frequently.
40. Recognize revelation and act on it.
41. Lighten your trials though service, revelation, and prayer.
42. Teach your children to be, not just to do.
43. Learn and live Christ-like attributes.
44. Don't postpone marriage.
45. Welcome chastisement and correction.
46. Learn Priesthood responsibilities by reading Doctrine and Covenants 20, 84 and 121.
47. Don't wait on the road to Damascus. Act.
48. Study the words of this conference; pray about appropriately applying them to your life.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
80% ATTENDANCE to Pass
General Conference this weekend!
Saturday 12 noon, 4 pm (& 8 pm for Young Men)
Sunday 11:30 Mormon Tabernacle Choir, 4 pm
It will be broadcast at the Church, from the Church website, or if you have cable, you can watch it at home. I'd invite you all over here--but we don't have cable and go to grandma & grandpa's house to watch it on their tv.
Take notes! Share your favorite talk in class on Monday April 4th!
Makeup work is no longer allowed in our stake unless you petition the stake presidency--tell them the reasons you were absent from seminary. Otherwise, it is 80% in class to pass. I do not give letter grades--but maybe that would help the students keep track of their standing for passing???
Looking at the rest of the year: 33 more days of class (Which does NOT count High School Assessment weirdness week. Do your students know which days they will be going normal time to school? If you know now, please email back, so I can plan for those days of seminary!)
We've had 117 days of class so far. 117 + 33=150. 150 x .2 = 30
Which means you can miss a total of 30 days of seminary and still pass. That is not something I would want to announce at the beginning of the year, when snow storms and school vacations are open-ended. Students could probably figure it out on their own, how many days they can possibly miss and still get by...
Tardies do NOT add up to equal absences. You come, you get credit.
I am hoping it will help you with your schedules to know how close your student may be to the not passing point. Some of them need to come EVERY DAY for the rest of the year to make it! Don't give up! I know you can't control if you are sick or not, but if it is motivation you need to get out of bed on time and come, hopefully this WARNING will help.
Seminary is worth it. It is a great way to start the day in the scriptures.
We are in the Liberty Jail reading in sections 121/122/123 and next week is President George Albert Smith.
Final Scripture Mastery test: Thursday, May 26th.
Last day of seminary class: May 27th.
Then students have a week to finish reading the Doctrine & Covenants to earn the "Generation of Excellence" award (if they had 95% attendance & pass the Scripture Mastery test).
JUNE 5th Seminary Graduation (ALL STUDENTS-not just seniors- and parents invited-come get your certificate of passing for the year!) JUNE 5th at stake center (they always have treats!)
Love you lots,
Sister Landbeck
Thursday, March 24, 2011

(photo credit)
I read this morning that Joseph Smith affectionately called it "Di-Ahman." Gorgeous place. I printed out walking directions from our home. 14 days, 1027 miles.
We are 610 miles into our trek west! I hope the students continue to do good things, even when this project is over. Maybe having a list to consult every day will help remind them of the on-going potential in every day!
We talked about "fresh courage" and the boldness needed to follow the commandments. We sang the 2nd verse of "Come, Come, Ye Saints" and ate President Joseph F. Smith's favorite dessert: custard pie! (We have enough weeks of school left to finish up all the modern day prophets, one a week!)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Are We There Yet?
Imagine driving somewhere on a four hour trip.
"Are we there yet?"
"No, three more hours until we get there!"
Maybe some of the seminary students didn't hear the part about going to Zion 1300 miles AS A CLASS. You are either walking with us, or we will drag you.
The miles for every day class total is computed by ADDING all the miles each of you walk and then DIVIDING by 14 for all the students. So you may have completed a whole bunch, but we are all going.
247.6 miles so far reported. We are almost a quarter of the way there.
If you don't divide it by all 14 of you young saints, it is 3466.4 individual miles of goodness! That is an amazing amount of good works! Well done!
It is okay to report for days you are absent from class, YES! When you come back, add up the days you were gone and give us the grand total! That is how we do weekends, the personal prayers, showering, brushing your teeth, telling your parents you love them over the weekend all counts! Add them in on Monday when you come to class.
Going to the temple to do baptisms YES counts!
And for the few of you dragging the rest of us, thank you! Every time you arrive on time for seminary, you helps us with a mile forward! We appreciate your service. The bishop has a great reward for us when we ALL reach our goal.
General Conference is coming! Follow the prophet. Keep heading towards Zion!
Don't be discouraged! Keep up the good work!
"Are we there yet?"
"No, three more hours until we get there!"
Maybe some of the seminary students didn't hear the part about going to Zion 1300 miles AS A CLASS. You are either walking with us, or we will drag you.
The miles for every day class total is computed by ADDING all the miles each of you walk and then DIVIDING by 14 for all the students. So you may have completed a whole bunch, but we are all going.
247.6 miles so far reported. We are almost a quarter of the way there.
If you don't divide it by all 14 of you young saints, it is 3466.4 individual miles of goodness! That is an amazing amount of good works! Well done!
It is okay to report for days you are absent from class, YES! When you come back, add up the days you were gone and give us the grand total! That is how we do weekends, the personal prayers, showering, brushing your teeth, telling your parents you love them over the weekend all counts! Add them in on Monday when you come to class.
Going to the temple to do baptisms YES counts!
And for the few of you dragging the rest of us, thank you! Every time you arrive on time for seminary, you helps us with a mile forward! We appreciate your service. The bishop has a great reward for us when we ALL reach our goal.
General Conference is coming! Follow the prophet. Keep heading towards Zion!
Don't be discouraged! Keep up the good work!
Monday, February 14, 2011
1300 Miles in 49 days!

Join us for "Faith in Every Footstep" virtual Pioneer Trek. You have 7 weeks until General Conference. 49 days to reach 1300 miles, from Nauvoo to Salt Lake=1300 miles. Every good thing you do adds a mile. If you feel you worked extra hard at something, give yourself 2+ miles. IF YOU DO SOMETHING GOOD NOT ON THE LIST, ADD IT! This isn't an exhaustive list, just suggestions.
Every day counts, but some days are better than other days. The important thing is moving forward! Follow the prophet! Tallying miles will be done anonymously. The class miles will be added together each day and divided by 14 students (so you will go or be dragged to Zion! Positive peer pressure.). As a class we will move forward, keeping track on the Mormon Trail map.
Personal Prayer AM & PM
15 min Personal Scripture Study
Attend Seminary & stay awake
Be ON TIME 5:45 or 5:55 AM!
Give Seminary Devotional
Learn a Scripture Mastery
Attend all 3 Church meetings
Fast with a purpose
Write in Journal
Read New Era/Ensign
Listen to uplifting music
Duty to God section/Merit Badge
Personal Progress Experience/Project
Bear Testimony
Share Gospel/give a BM away
Do Family History
Photo or scrapbook
Give talk in Sacrament mtg
Home Teaching
Go whole day w/o pouting
Go to Mutual
Bring a friend to Mutual
FHE participation
Pay tithing
Do home work on time
Practice instrument or voice
Give Best effort in school
Teach someone something
30 minutes reading uplifting material
Attend cultural event
Be on time to every class
Learn a new skill
Share talent or perform
Discuss current events
Visit historical site or museum
Finish a book
Get an A on test or paper
6+ hours of sleep
Competitive Sports
Eat Healthy
Cook Entire Meal
Help with Home Repair
Shovel/yard work service
Attend sporting event
Car maintenance or repair
Sewing mending
Work at Job
Make bed
Clean room
Do Chores
Serve Parents
Hygiene: shower, deodorant
Listen to Classical music
Drink 4+ glasses water
Take out garbage
Pick up litter
Brush teeth
Do Service Project
Letters to missionary or family
Volunteer work
Avoid Gossip
Anonymous kind deed
Nice to family member
Visit sick
Quality time with siblings
Keep standards with friends
Tell parents "I love you"
Use clean language
Write thank you note
Respect teachers
Dress modestly
Monday, January 24, 2011
READ! Doctrine & Covenants+
If we read 7 pages each day we will get through all the standard works in a year. 7 pages. Since it is January 24th today, if you are on page 168 today, you are doing great!
There are some great resources for you here!
I like the reminder to do 3 things plus one every day:
Three Things Plus One—Every Day!
1. Pray every morning and every night.
2. Read in the Book of Mormon at least five minutes every day.
3. Smile!
4. In addition, we invite you to obey and live the standards in For the Strength of Youth. Become familiar with these standards. Share them with others. And be an example of the believers.
There are some great resources for you here!
I like the reminder to do 3 things plus one every day:
Three Things Plus One—Every Day!
1. Pray every morning and every night.
2. Read in the Book of Mormon at least five minutes every day.
3. Smile!
4. In addition, we invite you to obey and live the standards in For the Strength of Youth. Become familiar with these standards. Share them with others. And be an example of the believers.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Marshmallow War
WE've been talking about section 76 all week. Yesterday the students filled in an open-book test while listening to hymns. Today we started with a video clip, wrote in our journals and included a diagram of the Plan of Happiness. Then went around the table listing specific ways to fight against Satan with the whole armour of God.
Then I gave them ammunition: big and mini marshmallows. Rule #1 was to stay in their chair.
Ready, set, go!
On the way out, one student said this was the best thing we have ever done in seminary!
My 12 year old wanted to know why I didn't invite him down to join in.
And my 6 year old niece, after seeing the after-math, wanted to know if she could come to "Cemetery" and play tomorrow.
Then I gave them ammunition: big and mini marshmallows. Rule #1 was to stay in their chair.
Ready, set, go!
On the way out, one student said this was the best thing we have ever done in seminary!
My 12 year old wanted to know why I didn't invite him down to join in.
And my 6 year old niece, after seeing the after-math, wanted to know if she could come to "Cemetery" and play tomorrow.
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