General Conference this weekend!
Saturday 12 noon, 4 pm (& 8 pm for Young Men)
Sunday 11:30 Mormon Tabernacle Choir, 4 pm
It will be broadcast at the Church, from the Church website, or if you have cable, you can watch it at home. I'd invite you all over here--but we don't have cable and go to grandma & grandpa's house to watch it on their tv.
Take notes! Share your favorite talk in class on Monday April 4th!
Makeup work is no longer allowed in our stake unless you petition the stake presidency--tell them the reasons you were absent from seminary. Otherwise, it is 80% in class to pass. I do not give letter grades--but maybe that would help the students keep track of their standing for passing???
Looking at the rest of the year: 33 more days of class (Which does NOT count High School Assessment weirdness week. Do your students know which days they will be going normal time to school? If you know now, please email back, so I can plan for those days of seminary!)
We've had 117 days of class so far. 117 + 33=150. 150 x .2 = 30
Which means you can miss a total of 30 days of seminary and still pass. That is not something I would want to announce at the beginning of the year, when snow storms and school vacations are open-ended. Students could probably figure it out on their own, how many days they can possibly miss and still get by...
Tardies do NOT add up to equal absences. You come, you get credit.
I am hoping it will help you with your schedules to know how close your student may be to the not passing point. Some of them need to come EVERY DAY for the rest of the year to make it! Don't give up! I know you can't control if you are sick or not, but if it is motivation you need to get out of bed on time and come, hopefully this WARNING will help.
Seminary is worth it. It is a great way to start the day in the scriptures.
We are in the Liberty Jail reading in sections 121/122/123 and next week is President George Albert Smith.
Final Scripture Mastery test: Thursday, May 26th.
Last day of seminary class: May 27th.
Then students have a week to finish reading the Doctrine & Covenants to earn the "Generation of Excellence" award (if they had 95% attendance & pass the Scripture Mastery test).
JUNE 5th Seminary Graduation (ALL STUDENTS-not just seniors- and parents invited-come get your certificate of passing for the year!) JUNE 5th at stake center (they always have treats!)
Love you lots,
Sister Landbeck
Wow, I love the fact your stake pres. doesn't allow make ups! How did that come to be?