Join us for "Faith in Every Footstep" virtual Pioneer Trek. You have 7 weeks until General Conference. 49 days to reach 1300 miles, from Nauvoo to Salt Lake=1300 miles. Every good thing you do adds a mile. If you feel you worked extra hard at something, give yourself 2+ miles. IF YOU DO SOMETHING GOOD NOT ON THE LIST, ADD IT! This isn't an exhaustive list, just suggestions.
Every day counts, but some days are better than other days. The important thing is moving forward! Follow the prophet! Tallying miles will be done anonymously. The class miles will be added together each day and divided by 14 students (so you will go or be dragged to Zion! Positive peer pressure.). As a class we will move forward, keeping track on the Mormon Trail map.
Personal Prayer AM & PM
15 min Personal Scripture Study
Attend Seminary & stay awake
Be ON TIME 5:45 or 5:55 AM!
Give Seminary Devotional
Learn a Scripture Mastery
Attend all 3 Church meetings
Fast with a purpose
Write in Journal
Read New Era/Ensign
Listen to uplifting music
Duty to God section/Merit Badge
Personal Progress Experience/Project
Bear Testimony
Share Gospel/give a BM away
Do Family History
Photo or scrapbook
Give talk in Sacrament mtg
Home Teaching
Go whole day w/o pouting
Go to Mutual
Bring a friend to Mutual
FHE participation
Pay tithing
Do home work on time
Practice instrument or voice
Give Best effort in school
Teach someone something
30 minutes reading uplifting material
Attend cultural event
Be on time to every class
Learn a new skill
Share talent or perform
Discuss current events
Visit historical site or museum
Finish a book
Get an A on test or paper
6+ hours of sleep
Competitive Sports
Eat Healthy
Cook Entire Meal
Help with Home Repair
Shovel/yard work service
Attend sporting event
Car maintenance or repair
Sewing mending
Work at Job
Make bed
Clean room
Do Chores
Serve Parents
Hygiene: shower, deodorant
Listen to Classical music
Drink 4+ glasses water
Take out garbage
Pick up litter
Brush teeth
Do Service Project
Letters to missionary or family
Volunteer work
Avoid Gossip
Anonymous kind deed
Nice to family member
Visit sick
Quality time with siblings
Keep standards with friends
Tell parents "I love you"
Use clean language
Write thank you note
Respect teachers
Dress modestly
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