I have a growing appreciation for the home teaching program in the Church. I know it isn't an easy assignment, to correlate schedules, find everyone home. We have missed visits since we've been here in this home. Until recently, we got a new assignment. Once a month, an assigned man from the Church comes and checks on us, in our home. Gives us a lesson. Sometimes brings treats his wife made. Makes sure we are doing okay spiritually and physically. THIS MONTH HE FIXED OUR VAN HEATER! Every time I get in the van and feel the warmth, I am thankful. We would have gone much longer waiting to go get it fixed. My warm toes are thankful!
I know sometimes we do things for free-service/donations/gifts--but it makes it really easy to offer to barter/trade/reciprocate in these situations. This hometeacher is super talented and handy. Mechanically and tear-down-walls kind of guy. In return one of his sons is going to get a fantastic bedroom redo, mural of his choosing. That, to me, is what creating a Zion community is all about. No poor among you because you are sharing your talents and means with one another, united in faith and service, pure in heart=loving and free from the vices and selfishness that ruins neighborhoods.
Nine more mornings of class before the Christmas break. Landbecks have food next Friday. YES class on the 23rd of December(IT WILL BE A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR JOSEPH SMITH! PLEASE COME!)
Consider catching up on your personal scripture reading during the long break. Continue to read scriptures first thing in the morning. Have your own mini-devotional and start your day our right!
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