I do not give A B C F grades.
I do let the bishop know how you do, how often you are tardy, and where you are in your reading. Both bishops from our two wards (and that is covering four high schools my students attend!) are quick to respond to reports about you. I know they care about you, pray for you, and are very interested in how you feel about seminary.
Your parents are getting the pass or fail information by this Sunday.
And some students are borderline %. Close. A few make-up days will make a big difference for passing seminary this year, and graduating, for many of you.
How to make-up a day:
1. Bear your testimony this coming Sunday. That equals one missed seminary day.
2. Fill in a heart/mind/strength/might form. (You can use your computer and EMAIL me: landbeck@verizon.net )
Susquehanna Seminary Student NAME:_______________________
During a recent General Conference, please pick out at least one quote/talk that focuses on counsel that applies to YOU, Your HEART, your MIND, your STRENGTH, your MIGHT.
Speaker:_________________________________ Scriptures used:______________________
Application, what it means to ME, what I FEEL/DO/CHANGE/THINK/BE etc:
The heart is a muscular organ pumping blood …in gospel terms: feelings and DESIRES; open heart; one heart =united; broken heart=HUMBLE; place where faith seeds planted; pure heart; change in heart =conversion; prayer in heart; understanding heart...
Mind refers to the aspects of intellect and consciousness manifested as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination…
Strength is the ability of an animal to exert force on physical objects using muscles. What you DO, ACTIONS, DEEDS
Might (mīt) n. The power, force, or influence held by a person or group.
(This is the missionary power you have, the atmosphere you create in your family, among your friends).
I like the idea for make up. Heart, mind, strength and might.I have a couple of students that need to do make ups. I can't seem to get them to be self motivated to do them. I don't want to spoon feed or force them. Still pondering what to do about it.