We've had a problem with tardiness. Please make a greater effort to be on time. We need all your voices when we start singing! We miss you!
Class president elected: Stewart, VP is Steven, Secretary is Carianne.
Devotionals this week:
Friday- Devin
Lehi died. But not before bearing his testimony to his children and grandchildren.
We are in the thick of Jacob's sermon and the Isaiah chapters. Hang in there! Hopefully every day it is a little more clear and easier to understand.
Remember to use your personal Liahona. Listen to the still small voice, follow the impressions you feel. It's more than just a "gut feeling." Pay attention to the physical sensations (warmth, light, love, peace, knowledge in your mind) and how you experience promptings from the Lord. It takes practice listening and acting on the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.
Here are pictures from our kool-aid play-dough activity; round ball, curious workmanship, 2 spindles, writing that changed...like cell phone text messages, someone wondered aloud?
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