No school Thursday and Friday means no seminary those days.
Wednesday night November 4th 7:00 - 8:15 pm at Susquehanna Building is the first 3/3 Seminary Acitivy! All three classes will gather as one. We will start the evening in the YW room with the YM in charge of opening exercises, song, prayer, announcements, etc, as per usual.
Then we will move into the gym, start out with a rousing game of Missionary Tag, then pull out chairs and sit in a huge circle to play some more games that will have you laughing, I promise.
Bring a friend from school or your neighborhood! This is a good way to introduce them to the fun we have in seminary class and expose them to the youth program, without dragging them to class before 6 am (although they are welcome to come join us anytime! We would love for them to feel invited and welcome!).
THIS SHORT WEEK DEVOTIONALS: TBA by President Stewart with a phone call Sunday evening...
Some parents have asked about bringing food: YES, is the answer. Please volunteer, because I still don't want to "assign" it.
These students love to eat and they are always very grateful. No known allergies that anyone has told me. I always have plates, napkins, and glasses here to use. Fridays are best, and sending me an email to let me know you want to do it.
Also, you can consider birthday celebrations surrounding your student's special day. We can't do it in public school anymore, but if you want to send in cupcakes or other favorite treat, we will sing Happy Birthday and give a blessing over the contribution!
These are the first 10 Scripture Mastery with rhymes we will be focusing on for the first 3/3 activity (so you parents know):
1 Nephi 3:7 Way Prepared for Me
1 Nephi 19:23 Scriptures Likening
2 Nephi 32:3 Feasting Tells You What to Do
2 Nephi 32:8–9 Praying Always Will Help You
Alma 34:32–34 Procrastinate No More
Alma 37:6–7 Small Things Help Build Heaven
Alma 37:35 Wise Youth Learn Their Lesson
Alma 41:10 Wickedness Is No Fun
Ether 12:27 Weakness Can Help
Moroni 10:4–5 Testimony Comes When

(I love how the students gather in our kitchen after class, before leaving for school together. These are from a donut morning!)