Saturday, March 24, 2012

Scrabble + Rummicube

I have enough scrabble games for the whole class to team up by twos. Goal: create Scripture Mastery references!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Isaiah was a Poet-Prophet

Brock eloquently read Isaiah 25.

Suzanna played Hymn #3 for us and I told the class this was like a Mad-Lib with no words, just 12/11/12... syllables to fill in.

As Sung to Hymn #3

Though the goal may be Zion, and glory and heaven.
Through life we'll have trials, suffering and pain.
The Lord will never give a trial we can't bear
So long as we follow His message with care.

Though the path may have danger, and will test us all
Through life we'll have scriptures, and prophets to lead.
Though the path may have danger, and will test us all
Through life we'll have scriptures, and prophets to lead.

We talked about using our talents to serve the Lord.

Credit to Orson Scott Card's hymn writing workshop notes.