Thursday, October 28, 2010

Me, aka Mrs. Rejoice & No Fear

Section 25 is full of good qualities for young women to emulate. I told my 9 YW students they were elect and chosen and sent them out of the seminary classroom, gave them sparkly homemade Miss America sashes while Brother Landbeck gave the 5 young men a pep talk about appreciating with spiritual eyes the values that the Lord pointed out to Emma Smith. Miss Given to Reading and Writing Much; Miss Virtue; Miss Faithful; Miss Comforting & Consoling Words; Miss Cleaving to Covenants; Miss Unworldly; Miss Meekness; Miss Expounding Scriptures; Miss Exhorting Church

Burger King is very kind when we ask for crowns for our Bible Study Class for teenagers. Crowns of Righteousness for the guys and the ladies.