Sunday, December 20, 2009

White Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Hope you have a clean, free-from-sin, repent-ful, white-as-snow, heart-ful Christmas celebration with your families!

Since school is cancelled then no seminary and YES class on TUESDAY so we can celebrate together, with our secret santa gifts (if you have forgotten the name, call or email me) wrapped and brought in brown anonymous lunch sacks--under $5 spent or one hour of creative making (don't knit a scarf for 10 hours for someone! But please personalize the gift to fit the student!).

Take your scriptures home over the break so you can read!

When we come back in January on the 4th, 5:55 am, we will pick up in Mosiah 18.

If you have time to check out "The Smile Challenge" over in the sidebar on the right, it is something I will introduce to you in January.

I love you guys! I love teaching and sharing the Gospel with you in the mornings.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Building Blocks for the Tower

Students each chose 5 Lincoln Logs or Legos and worked as a pair to build a tower, as tall and strong as they could. Some towers were taller, some stronger!

Then we had to figure out what the building blocks were from Mosiah chapters 1 & 2.

Here is the list:

righteous rulers
keeping the commandments
service (love the Lord; love your neighbor)
teaching others

Which blocks are the most important? Which do you feel like you need to work on more? What is the foundation under your tower? (What should it be?) Is your tower strong enough to withstand temptations, winds, storms of Satan?

We talked about being like a little child, teachable, submissive, curious, Christ-like, and the difference between child-like and childish.

Hey, and we were playing with blocks and having fun!

To be up-to-date on reading this week: Mosiah 5-10 before Christmas.

CHRISTMAS PARTY: Monday December 21st 5:55 am, my home! Bring your secret Santa gift (you have one week).

There will be chairs (we went without on Friday so the ward could set up the big Christmas dinner with them).

DEVOTIONAL week of 14th-18= Jameson!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

SNOW days policy

If it is snowing, is there DAILY SEMINARY?

Since our county does not announce school delays or closings until 5:30 am (and some of you are awake by then, getting ready to come to class) we will establish a phone/texting tree to make sure you know seminary is being held on questionable weather days.

The policy is NO SCHOOL=NO SEMINARY. On a delayed day, no seminary. If you don't feel safe that early before roads are cleared or super icy, don't risk your physical safety.

But, I will encourage you to still spend some time at home with your scriptures open, reading and fortifying yourself for your day. Put on that armor of God every day!

Thank you to Bro. Landbeck and his mom for subbing for me while I was out of town working. We will start in MOSIAH Monday morning, December 7th!