Merry Christmas! Hope you have a clean, free-from-sin, repent-ful, white-as-snow, heart-ful Christmas celebration with your families!
Since school is cancelled then no seminary and YES class on TUESDAY so we can celebrate together, with our secret santa gifts (if you have forgotten the name, call or email me) wrapped and brought in brown anonymous lunch sacks--under $5 spent or one hour of creative making (don't knit a scarf for 10 hours for someone! But please personalize the gift to fit the student!).
Take your scriptures home over the break so you can read!
When we come back in January on the 4th, 5:55 am, we will pick up in Mosiah 18.
If you have time to check out "The Smile Challenge" over in the sidebar on the right, it is something I will introduce to you in January.
I love you guys! I love teaching and sharing the Gospel with you in the mornings.