Friday, April 8, 2011


A guide for our walk and talk for the next 6 months
(Compiled by Sister Ann Madsen and her seminary students, source Ken Alford )

1. Honor the Sabbath all day long. Wear nice clothes all day on Sunday.
2. Make worship a part of the pattern of your Sabbath day.
3. Become more childlike; it is part of the process of becoming more Christ-like.
4. Strengthen your commitment to act.
5. Help in the Lord's way. Teach children to help.
6. Use the full name of the Church. Do not call yourselves "Mormons"
7. Do a lot of forgetting and a little repenting.
8. Don't let fears replace faith.
9. Let your children feel your faith.
10. Establish a Christ-centered life and home.
11. Establish Celestial traditions.
12. Don't have higher standards for others than you have for yourself.
13. Search your heart to know your desires; a vision of what you can become forms your desires.
14. Simplify your life with small flecks of Gospel gold.
15. Respond to seen needs.
16. Be sensitive to promptings of the Holy Ghost.
17. Donate to the Missionary fund.
18. Trifle not with sacred things.
19. Remember the blessings of the Sacrament.
20. Tell your spouse you love her/him.
21. Don't waste time with idle pursuits; focus on getting married.
22. Stop hanging out in groups, and find an eternal companion. - President Monson
23. Find a worthy young lady to take to the Temple. - President Monson
24. Master the doctrines of the priesthood.
25. Do not ever let yourself do something of which you would not be proud. - President Monson
26. Be examples of honesty and integrity wherever you go, and in whatever you do. - President Monson
27. Communicate with parents, children, and the elderly about Christ.
28. Ask for the ability to forgive in prayer, frankly forgive others, and quickly forgive yourself.
29. Always keep the Temple in your sights; do nothing that will keep you from entering that holy place.
30. Don't resent the things that help you put on the divine nature.
31. Be of good cheer; your future is as bright as your faith.
32. Turn off the excess noise in your life.
33. Make whatever sacrifices are necessary to qualify, and then attend the temple. - President Monson
34. Express gratitude and love often.
35. Do service and show love--one by one.
36. Pay tithes and offerings.
37. Search for a spouse and start a family.
38. Become self-reliant; live providently.
39. Tell your spouse you love him or her frequently.
40. Recognize revelation and act on it.
41. Lighten your trials though service, revelation, and prayer.
42. Teach your children to be, not just to do.
43. Learn and live Christ-like attributes.
44. Don't postpone marriage.
45. Welcome chastisement and correction.
46. Learn Priesthood responsibilities by reading Doctrine and Covenants 20, 84 and 121.
47. Don't wait on the road to Damascus. Act.
48. Study the words of this conference; pray about appropriately applying them to your life.