Monday, January 24, 2011

READ! Doctrine & Covenants+

If we read 7 pages each day we will get through all the standard works in a year. 7 pages. Since it is January 24th today, if you are on page 168 today, you are doing great!

There are some great resources for you here!

I like the reminder to do 3 things plus one every day:

Three Things Plus One—Every Day!
1. Pray every morning and every night.
2. Read in the Book of Mormon at least five minutes every day.
3. Smile!
4. In addition, we invite you to obey and live the standards in For the Strength of Youth. Become familiar with these standards. Share them with others. And be an example of the believers.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Marshmallow War

WE've been talking about section 76 all week. Yesterday the students filled in an open-book test while listening to hymns. Today we started with a video clip, wrote in our journals and included a diagram of the Plan of Happiness. Then went around the table listing specific ways to fight against Satan with the whole armour of God.

Then I gave them ammunition: big and mini marshmallows. Rule #1 was to stay in their chair.

Ready, set, go!

On the way out, one student said this was the best thing we have ever done in seminary!

My 12 year old wanted to know why I didn't invite him down to join in.

And my 6 year old niece, after seeing the after-math, wanted to know if she could come to "Cemetery" and play tomorrow.